
Security Team always prefer Azure Private Link service for better security

Today we will understand what is private link and how to use it. Azure Private Link enables you to access Azure PaaS Services and Azure hosted customer-owned applications over a private endpoint in your virtual network. Traffic between your virtual network and the service travels the Microsoft backbone network. Communication is one way. At time, […]


AWS Organization to manage multiple AWS Accounts through a single console

Before AWS organization, account creation has been doing manually. For Enterprise organizations, multiple account creation for multiple domains/platforms/business units was time-consuming.AWS organization service solves this problem by creating an AWS account programmatically. It is a central management service that allows you to control all resources that come under different accounts and give consolidated billing of […]


Setup Google Cloud Identity for your Org for better management of resources

You have decided to put your workload in Google Cloud Platform. Under Project planning stage, you need to consider Google Cloud identity. It is an “Identity as a Service” solution offered by Google. It helps you to manage user accounts and groups for employees. Centrally control all of your organization’s projects and resources created under […]