Category: AWS

AWS and GCP VMs Migration to Azure with Azure Migrate in 4 Simple Steps

Hi All, Thanks for reading and providing comments on Azure Migrate service blog earlier. Those who have not gone through the blog yet. Here is link The content written in the article will help you to understand core concept of Azure migrate service before moving with current article. This article is extension of previous […]


Windows License Discovery Across Clouds

I have noticed lot of companies struggle to get license details of Microsoft products. Today I am going to show what are Microsoft tool available to discover Windows OS details. I have tested two tools in this category, VAMT and MAPKit, let’s find more about it. Volume Activation Management Tool (VAMT) It enables IT Admin […]


AWS Organization to manage multiple AWS Accounts through a single console

Before AWS organization, account creation has been doing manually. For Enterprise organizations, multiple account creation for multiple domains/platforms/business units was time-consuming.AWS organization service solves this problem by creating an AWS account programmatically. It is a central management service that allows you to control all resources that come under different accounts and give consolidated billing of […]